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Epigenetic control of innate and adaptive immune memory [ATAC-Seq]

Alternate Titles(s): Regulation of natural killer cells during MCMV infection

UID: 10380

Author(s): Lau, Colleen M.*, Sun, Joseph C.* * MSK affiliated

Publisher(s): Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Clonal expansion and immunological memory are hallmark features of the mammalian adaptive immune response and essential for prolonged host control of pathogens. Recent work demonstrated that natural killer (NK) cells of the innate immune system also exhibit these adaptive traits during infection. Here we demonstrate that differentiating and ‘memory’ NK cells possess distinct chromatin accessibility states, and that their epigenetic profiles reveal a ‘poised’ regulatory program at the memory stage. Furthermore, we elucidate how individual STAT proteins differentially control epigenetic and transcriptional states early during infection. Finally, concurrent chromatin profiling of the canonical CD8+ T cell response against the same infection demonstrated parallel and distinct epigenetic signatures defining NK cells and CD8+ T cells. Overall, our study reveals the dynamic nature of epigenetic imprinting during the generation of innate and adaptive lymphocyte memory.

Part of a SuperSeries accession comprised of:
Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of adaptive NK cell responses [ChIP-Seq]
Transcriptional regulation of adaptive NK and CD8 T cell responses [RNA-Seq]
Epigenetic control of innate and adaptive immune memory [ATAC-Seq]
Subject of Study
Access via GEO

ATAC-seq performed on NK cells harvested during in-vivo infection
Accession #: GSE108051

Access via SRA

ATAC Sequence reads for 51 samples
Accession #: SRP126684

Access via BioProject

Additional information about overall initiative.
Accession #: PRJNA422290

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus, SRA, and BioProject databases provide open access to these files.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Equipment Used
Illumina HiSeq 2500
Dataset Format(s)
Dataset Size
22.8 Gb (TAR of BIGWIG), 1,780 Kb (BED), 105.9 Gb (SRA)
Data Catalog Record Updated