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Flow Cytometry Datasets Associated with Single-cell Map of Diverse Immune Phenotypes in the Breast Tumor Microenvironment research

UID: 10386

Author(s): Cornish, Andrew Erickson* * MSK affiliated

The purpose of the dataset from the Flow Repository: "To determine the degree to which populations of intratumoral T cells, especially but not limited to T regs, initially found in single cell RNA sequencing data may be reproduced in mass cytometry data."

From the description on Flow Repository: The data included for each of the 3 patients (BC12, BC13, and BC14, respectively) is presented in nine total files. For each of the patients the following three files are provided: 1) Raw data, with all cells (includes both barcoded stock PBMCs as well as TILs from the patient). 2) Debarcoded and bead-normalized TILs (with PBMCs and beads removed). 3) Beads removed from file 2) above."
Subject of Study
Subject Gender
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
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Accession #: FR-FCM-ZYJP

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Free to All
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FlowRepository is a database of flow cytometry experiments where you can query and download data collected and annotated according to the MIFlowCyt standard. It is primarily used as a data deposition place for experimental findings published in peer-reviewed journals in the flow cytometry field.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Software Used
CyTOF Bead Normalization
CyTOF cell debarcoder
Dataset Format(s)
Dataset Size
864.3 MB
Data Catalog Record Updated