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GtRNAdb: Genomic tRNA Database

UID: 10390

Publisher(s): The Lowe Lab

This genomic tRNA database contains tRNA gene predictions made by the program tRNAscan-SE 2.0 on complete or nearly complete genomes. Unless otherwise noted, all annotation is automated, and has not been inspected for agreement with published literature. Maintained by the Lowe Lab, Biomolecular Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz.
Access via GtRNAdb

tRNAscan-SE analysis of complete genomes

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
Publicly accessible online database as well as a standalone unix/linux version. Search by select genome or sequence, or browse by phylogeny to view or download tRNA Gene summary information, tRNA Gene lists, tRNA Alignments, and FASTA sequences.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Dataset Format(s)
Plain Text, TAR, FASTA, BED
Data Catalog Record Updated