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MicrobesOnline Comparative Genomics Database

UID: 10391

Publisher(s): Virtual Institute for Microbial Stress and Survival

The MicrobesOnline genome database contains over 1000 prokaryotic genomes. Genomes were last updated in late 2011 and no further database updates are planned. All genomes are analyzed through the VIMSS genome pipeline. We use publicly available sequence analysis tools and databases to search for homologs (NCBI BLAST, UCSC Blat, SwissProt, COG) and protein domains (HMMer, InterPro), to assign gene ontologies (Gene Ontology Consortium) and EC numbers and to map the metabolic pathways (KEGG). We then link the orthology relationships between genes and predict operon structures. Most genome data is downloaded from RefSeq. When an incomplete genome is directly downloaded from a sequencing center, we submit the genome sequence to RAST for automated annotation. For all genomes, we also search for CRISPR regions using PILER-CR and CRT.
Access Restrictions
Free to All
Free to all with registration
Application Required
Access Instructions
Publicly accessible online database of prokaryotic genome analysis as well as notes on how to connect to and run SQL queries against a public read-only version of the data (available by request of as of April 5, 2018). Some of the datasets require a free registration in order to view.
Associated Publications
Dataset Format(s)
Plain Text
Data Catalog Record Updated