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PATRIC: Bacterial Bioinformatics Resource Center

UID: 10392

PATRIC (Pathosystems Resource Integration Center) is the Bacterial Bioinformatics Resource Center, an information system designed to support the biomedical research community’s work on bacterial infectious diseases via integration of vital pathogen information with rich data and analysis tools. PATRIC sharpens and hones the scope of available bacterial phylogenomic data from numerous sources specifically for the bacterial research community, in order to save biologists time and effort when conducting comparative analyses. The freely available PATRIC platform provides an interface for biologists to discover data and information and conduct comprehensive comparative genomics and other analyses in a one-stop shop.
Access Restrictions
Free to All
Free to all with registration
Access Instructions
Publicly accessible online database providing search, browse, and command line interface to view rich genomic metadata (eg. phylogeny, taxanomy, AMR phenotypes, sequences, protein families, pathways, and transcriptomics). This resource also features analysis, comparison tools, and upload of private data to the PATRIC repository. Some features such as upload and annotation require free registration.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Dataset Format(s)
Microsoft Excel, CSV, Plain Text
Other Resources
PATRIC3 GitHub Repository

Software repository for the PATRIC project

Data Catalog Record Updated