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Examining alterations in gene expression of PC3-wt (PSMA -ve) vs PC3-PSMA (PSMA +ve) cells

UID: 10693

Author(s): Kaittanis, Charalambos*, Hieronymus, Haley * MSK affiliated

Publisher(s): GCMI, Massachusetts General Hospital

Summary from the GEO: " The biological role of PSMA, a biomarker expressed in prostate cancer and by the neovasculature of solid tumors, remains unknown. Although PSMA processes folates in our duodenum, and in the brain cleaves NAAG to control neuronal signaling, little is known about its role in cancer.
We used microarrays to detail the glonal perturbations in gene expression in the absence of PSMA, in order to identify disease-specific driving pathways that may lead to new therapies for cancer."

Overall design from the GEO: "PC3-wt (PSMA -ve) cells grown on Petri dishes and in complete media where compared with PC3 cells expressing PSMA"
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
Access via GEO

CEL files of expression profiling by array
Accession #: GSE104418

Access via BioProject

Additional information about the overall initiative.
Accession #: PRJNA412566

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and BioProject databases provide open access to these files.
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Dataset Size
11.1 MB (TAR of CEL)
Data Catalog Record Updated