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Cohort-Based Genome-Wide Association Study of Glioma (GliomaScan)

UID: 10714

Author(s): Rajaraman, Preetha

Study Description from dbGaP: "We conducted a new independent GWAS of adult glioma using 1,856 cases and 4,955 controls from 14 cohort studies belonging to the Cohort Consortium, 3 case-control studies, and 1 population-based case only study. Cases were newly diagnosed glioma [ICDO-3 codes 9380-9480 or equivalent], and controls were cancer-free at the time of glioma diagnosis. We found evidence of strong replication for three of the seven previously reported associations at 20q13.33 (RTEL), 5p15.33 (TERT), and 9p21.3 (CDKN2BAS), and consistent association signals for the remaining four at 7p11.2 (EGFR both loci), 8q24.21 (CCDC26) and 11q23.3 (PHLDB1). The direction and magnitude of the signal were consistent for samples from cohort and case-control studies, but the strength of the association was more pronounced for loci rs6010620 (20q,13.33; RTEL) and rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT) in cohort studies despite the smaller number of cases in this group, likely due to higher grade tumors being captured in the cohort studies. Our findings suggest that larger studies focusing on novel approaches as well as specific tumor subtypes or subgroups will be required to identify additional common susceptibility loci for glioma risk."
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
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Analysis and description of a WGS study including 1,856 cases and 4,955 controls from 14 cohort studies
Accession #: phs000652.v1.p1

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Accession #: PRJNA215132

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Accession #: PRJNA215133

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Full access to this dataset in dbGaP requires authorization through an Authorized Access Portal which can be requested for either 'data download' or 'view only'. Individual level data download requires a project request. With dbGaP DataBrowser approval, users may view the compilation of individual-level data of general research use. Upon approval, data can be downloaded.

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Data Type
Equipment Used
Dataset Format(s)
Plain Text
Data Tool(s)
Whole Genome Genotyping
Dataset Size
74 GB
Data Catalog Record Updated