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Whole Genome Scan for Pancreatic Cancer Risk in the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium and Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanScan)

UID: 10715

Study Description from the dbGaP: "Within the framework of the NCI-sponsored Cohort Consortium, investigators from 12 prospective epidemiologic cohorts formed the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium in 2006. This study, also known as "PanScan", is funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and involves conducting a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of common genetic variants to identify markers of susceptibility to pancreatic cancer. In 2007, the study was expanded to include 8 case-control studies. The study team includes scientists from the cohorts comprising the Consortium, the NCI and the Pancreatic Cancer Case Control Consortium (PanC4). PanScan I and II were conducted in 12 cohort studies and 8 case-control studies, leading to the discovery of four novel regions in the genome associated with risk for pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

The third phase of PanScan (PanScan III) was conducted using recently identified incident pancreatic cancer cases drawn from fourteen cohorts from the cohort consortium, including nine prospective cohorts who participated in PanScan I, and five newly joined cohorts. The nine cohort studies that participated in PanScan I and had new genotyping of cases in PanScan III include ATBC, CPS-II, EPIC, HPFS, NHS, PHS, PLCO, SMWHS, and WHI; the five newly joined cohort studies include the Agricultural Health Study (AHS), the Multiethnic Cohort Study (MEC), the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study (MCCS), the Vitamins and Lifestyle Study (VITAL), and Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT). In addition to the cases from cohorts, we also included cases from the Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinic of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Study (DFCI-GCC); from the University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, which is part of a larger European clinical case-control study (PANDoRA); and from clinic-based cases from eastern Spain (PANKRAS-II).

The dbGaP datasets available include all subjects previously made available from PanScan I and II (phs000206.v4.p3), plus 1,582 new incident pancreatic cancer cases of European descent from prospective cohorts, case-control studies or case series (genotyped as part of PanScan III). Also included are 61 pancreatic cancer cases and 67 control subjects from PanScan I as well as 173 pancreatic cancer cases from PanScan III of Asian ancestry from the Shanghai Men's and Women's Health Study (Supplemental Table 10, Wolpin et al. (Nat Genet, 2014)). The control population used in the analysis for the Wolpin et al. manuscript included cancer-free individuals from the prospective cohorts that contributed pancreatic cancer cases to PanScan III and controls from the Spanish Bladder Cancer SBC/EPICURO study that were previously genotyped using the OmniExpress, Omni 1M or Omni 2.5M SNP arrays. The data from these control subjects were posted to dbGaP under the GWAS in which they were initially genotyped and will not be made available in duplicate under this dbGaP study."
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
Access via dbGaP

Analysis, description and documents supporting the WGS study from 12 cohort studies and 8 case-control studies
Accession #: phs000206.v5.p3

Access Restrictions
Application Required
Access Instructions
Full access to this dataset in dbGaP requires authorization through an Authorized Access Portal which can be requested for either 'data download' or 'view only'. Individual level data download requires a project request. With dbGaP DataBrowser approval, users may view the compilation of individual-level data of general research use. Upon approval, data can be downloaded.

The Analysis and Document tabs display plotting generated based on the data submitted. The Analysis tab also links to the dbGaP Genome browser, an online platform with sequence viewer to access SNP bins mapped to genome coordinates.

Publicly available data such as data dictionaries, variable summaries, documents and truncated analysis are available the public download site FTP link.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Equipment Used
Illumina HumanOmniExpress-12v1.0
Dataset Format(s)
Plain Text
Data Tool(s)
Whole Genome Genotyping
Dataset Size
100 GB
Data Catalog Record Updated