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ATAC-seq on parental and acquired resistant cells (AqR)

UID: 10764

Author(s): Weirauch, Matthew T., Parameswaran, Sreeja

Summary from GEO: "Parental and AqR cells were obtained. DNA was purified and submited for sequencing. Differential chromatin accessiblity was observed. AqR cells were derived from parental cells by adding inhibitor (CAY10566) every 3 days until cells became resistant (at about 3 weeks)."

Overall design: from GEO: "1 parental cell in duplicate and 1 AqR cell in duplicate was submitted and analyzed."

This dataset contains the ATAC sequencing from glioblastoma patient tumor samples for which there was a low median expression of the lipogenic enzyme stearoyl CoA desaturase (SCD). Cell lines from this subset of patients expressed undetectable SCD, yet retained residual SCD enzymatic activity. These lines evolved to survive independent of SCD through unknown mechanisms. Cell lines that escaped such genetic and epigenetic alterations expressed higher levels of SCD and were highly dependent on SCD for survival.
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
Access via GEO

BED files of genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Accession #: GSE130638

Access via SRA

ATAC Sequencing of 2 samples
Accession #: SRP194611

Access via BioProject

Additional information about the overall inititative.
Accession #: PRJNA540849

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus, SRA and BioProject databases provide open access to these files. SRA and/or tar files can be downloaded directly from the site or viewed in the NCBI SRA Run Selector (link at bottom of page).
Associated Publications
Data Type
Equipment Used
Illumina HiSeq 2500
Software Used
SRA Toolkit
Dataset Format(s)
Data Tool(s)
Dataset Size
3.6 MB
Data Catalog Record Updated