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Hao Wu Lab OSF figures and Pymol/chimera session files

UID: 10792

Open Science Framework (OSF) is a repository with tools for data discovery, collection, storage and analysis, as well as study experiment design and publication. The Hao Wu Lab files are organized according to the publication they support. Available files include figures used in publications, PyMOL (.pse) and Chimera (.csx) session files which generate the 3D display of biological molecules and .pdb and .vaf files characterizing marcomolecules. Software to process this data is not immediately accessible from OSF.
Access via OSF

Publicly accessible files supporting and demonstrating the labs research

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
This data is publicly accessible through the Open Science Framework. All files available from the site can be downloaded as a single compressed file as a button from the file browser on the display page. Single files are also accessible for individual, uncompressed download by navigating or searching the file browser.

The files free to access and use. Licensing is Creative Commons (CC-By Attribution 4.0 International)
Associated Publications
Software Used
Dataset Format(s)
PDF, Powerpoint Presentation, PDB, PNG, JPG, PSE, CXS, VAF
Dataset Size
6.3 GB
Data Catalog Record Updated