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Balanced act of a leading strand DNA polymerase specific domain and its exonuclease domain promotes genome-wide replication fork symmetry

UID: 10917

Summary from GEO:

"During genome replication, the leading strand DNA polymerase conducts continuous synthesis over long stretches of DNA within each replicon. Processive DNA synthesis supports symmetric progression of sister replication forks and efficient genome duplication. To address the mechanisms underlying leading strand polymerase-mediated synthesis, we examine one of its conserved domains, referred to as POPS, in the budding yeast Pol2 enzyme. We provide evidence that POPS supports replication fork symmetry and efficient genome replication via balancing the function of the Pol2 exonuclease domain. We found that the defective growth, slow S phase progression, and impaired genome synthesis associated with a POPS mutation were rescued by abolishing the Pol2 exonuclease activity. The suppressive effects further extended to the increased DNA re-arrangements in the POPS mutant and its negative genetic interactions with mutants of other genome maintenance factors. Significantly, our single molecule replicon-seq data demonstrate that the POPS mutant exhibited genome-wide replication fork asymmetry, and this defect was improved by eliminating the Pol2 exonuclease activity, thus providing a basis for its rescuing of a range of POPS mutant phenotypes. Collectively, these data suggest a model in which balanced activity between a unique Pol2 catalytic domain, and its exonuclease domain facilitates replication fork symmetry and genome maintenance."

Overall design from GEO:

"MCM4 was fused to Miccrococcal nuclease ( MNase) to generate DNA double strand break at the site of replisomes. DNA ends are repaired and MinION compatible DNA adaptors are ligated. Full length molecules are sequenced. Because cells have been released from a G1 arrest in presence of BrdU, we can select for replicon reads (reads that contain BrdU) informatically using DNAscent."
Subject of Study
Access via GEO

Accession #: GSE212101

Access via BioProject

Accession #: PRJNA874015

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and BioProject databases provide open access to these files.
Associated Publications
Equipment Used
Nanopore Technology MinION
Dataset Format(s)
Dataset Size
23.4 MB (BED), 26.2 MB (BD), 67.5 MB (BED), 49.4 MB (BED)
Data Catalog Record Updated