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An Informatic Approach to Chimeric Antigen Receptor Discovery Integrates Proteomics and Transcriptomics to Identify Novel Combinatorial Pairs

UID: 11090

Author(s): Berman, Samuel Hart*, Sadelain, Michel W. J.* * MSK affiliated

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) therapy targeting CD19 yielded remarkable outcomes in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. To identify potential CAR targets in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we probed the AML surfaceome for over-expressed molecules with potentially tolerable systemic expression. We integrated large transcriptomics and proteomics data sets from malignant and normal tissues, and developed an algorithm to identify potential targets expressed in leukemia stem cells, but not in normal CD34+CD38– hematopoietic cells, T cells or vital tissues. As these investigations did not uncover candidate targets with a profile as favorable as CD19, we developed a generalizable combinatorial targeting strategy fulfilling stringent efficacy and safety criteria. Our findings indicate that several target pairings hold great promise for CAR therapy of AML.
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
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Accession #: PXD007552

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Free to All
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All public datasets available in PRIDE Archive in the repository can be accessed via the website by FTP link, Web Service (for programmatic access), and the PRIDE Inspector stand-alone tool.
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Equipment Used
Q Exactive
Software Used
Proteome Discoverer
Dataset Format(s)
Dataset Size
15.6 GB
Data Catalog Record Updated