Tim-4+ Cavity-Resident Macrophages Impair Anti-Tumor CD8+ T cell Immunity [scRNA-Seq]
UID: 11133
- Description
- Summary from GEO:
"Single cell TCR/RNA sequencing was performed on sorted PSlow and PShigh CD8 T cells from five MC38-LG bearing mice that had been treated with anti-Tim-4 and anti-PD-1. Cells from the individual mice were hashtagged to allow subsequent deconvolution."
Access via GEO
Accession #: GSE174241Access via BioProject
Accession #: PRJNA728907Access via SRA
Accession #: SRP319362 - Access Restrictions
Free to All
- Access Instructions
- The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus, BioProject, and SRA databases provide open access to these files.
- Associated Publications
- Equipment Used
Illumina NovaSeq 6000
- Dataset Format(s)
- Dataset Size
- 358 MB
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