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Gene expression analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with PI3K and PDK1 inhibitors

UID: 11233

Author(s): Castel, Pau*, Baselga, Jose* * MSK affiliated

Summary from GEO:

"Here we demonstrate the differential gene expression of two breast cancer cell lines treated with PI3K and PDK1 inhibitors."

Overall design from GEO:

"Total RNA was isolated after 4h of treatment from breast cancer cell lines JIMT1 and HCC1954 from three biological replicates. Treatments were DMSO (0.1%), BYL719 (PI3K alpha inhibitor) 1 uM, GSK2334470 (PDK1 inhibitor) 1uM, and the combination of both agents. Samples for each group in triplicate were processed for Illumina BeadArrays (Illumina HT-12) by the MSKCC genomics core facility according to the specifications of the manufacturer."
Subject of Study
Access via GEO

Accession #: GSE69189

Access via BioProject

Accession #: PRJNA284771

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and BioProject databases provide open access to these files.
Associated Publications
Equipment Used
Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip
Dataset Format(s)
Dataset Size
39.3 MB
Data Catalog Record Updated