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Medulloblastoma (ICGC, Nature 2012)

UID: 11255

Publisher(s): Nature Publishing Group

Comprehensive profiling of 125 matched tumor and germline medulloblastoma samples from 125 patients. The clinical data includes a KM plot, information about survival status, mutation counts, and genomic profiles . The data set also includes charts visualizing data summaries and a customizable plotting tool.
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
This cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics dataset is publicly available for viewing in tables or, for copy-number segments, via integrated IGV application. The data is also available for download in its entirety as a zipped TSV file. Some features are only available by logging in with a Google or Microsoft account. These features include storing your virtual studies and groups which allows you to access your studies and groups from any computer, and to allow cBioPortal to remember your study view charts preferences for each study (i.e. order of the charts, type of charts and visibility). Login is optional and not required to access any of the other features of cBioPortal.
Associated Publications
Dataset Format(s)
Dataset Size
21.6 KB
Data Catalog Record Updated