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Disease Severity in Familial Dysautonomia

UID: 11292

Author(s): Studer, Lorenz*, Zeltner, Nadja* * MSK affiliated

Description from dbGaP:

"Familial Dysautonomia (FD) is a developmental and degenerative genetic disease that manifests in the neural crest cells and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Despite all FD patients having the same mutation in IKBKAP, patients present with varying disease severity, ranging from mild to severe. We used the human pluripotent stem cell technology to recapitulate this varying disease severity in the dish. Further, we found that severe, but not mild patients harbor mutations in candidate modifier genes that may contribute to severe disease presentation."
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Accession #: phs001233.v1.p1

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Equipment Used
Illumina HiSeq 2500
Illumina TruSeq SBS Kit v3 - HS
Dataset Format(s)
PDF, XML, gzip, TXT
Dataset Size
245.78 KB
Data Catalog Record Updated