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Genetic Analysis of Desmoplastic Melanoma

UID: 11295

Description from dbGaP:

"Desmoplastic melanoma is an infrequent variant of melanoma with sarcomatous histology, distinct clinical behavior, and unknown pathogenesis. We performed low-coverage genome and high-coverage exome sequencing of 20 desmoplastic melanomas, followed by targeted sequencing of 293 genes to validate candidate genes. A high mutation burden (median 62 mutations/Mb) ranked desmoplastic melanoma among the most highly mutated cancers. Mutation patterns strongly implicate UV-radiation as the dominant mutagen, indicating a superficially located cell of origin. Novel alterations included recurrent promoter mutations of NF-kappa B inhibitor epsilon, NFKBIE (IkBε) in 14.5% of samples. Commonly mutated oncogenes in melanomas, in particular BRAF(V600E) and NRAS(Q61K/R), were absent. Instead, other genetic alterations known to activate the MAPK and PI3K signaling cascades were identified in 73% of samples, affecting NF1, CBL, ERBB2, MAP2K1, MAP3K1, BRAF, EGFR, PTPN11, MET, RAC1, SOS2, NRAS, and PIK3CA, some of which being candidates for targeted therapies."
Subject of Study
OncoTree Cancer Type(s)
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Accession #: phs000977.v1.p1

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Equipment Used
Illumina HiSeq 2500
SeqCap EZ Choice Library
Dataset Format(s)
PDF, XML, gzip, TXT
Dataset Size
387.38 KB
Data Catalog Record Updated