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Genome-wide association study for Bladder Cancer Risk

UID: 11307

Description from dbGaP:

"This study funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) involves conducting a genome-wide association study of common genetic variants to identify markers of susceptibility to bladder cancer.

This bladder GWAS has led to the discovery of three novel regions in the genome associated with bladder cancer risk. Cases were defined as individuals having histologically confirmed primary carcinoma of the urinary bladder, including carcinoma in situ (ICD-0-2 topography codes C67.0-C67.9 or ICD9 codes 188.1-188.9). Scan data were obtained from two case-control studies carried out in Spain and the United States (specifically, those in the Maine and Vermont components of the New England Bladder Cancer Study) and three prospective cohort studies in Finland and the United States (specifically Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial, and The American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort)."

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Accession #: phs000346.v2.p2

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Full access to this dataset in dbGaP requires authorization through an Authorized Access Portal which can be requested for either 'data download' or 'view only'. Individual level data download requires a project request. With dbGaP DataBrowser approval, users may view the compilation of individual-level data of general research use. Upon approval, data can be downloaded. To view the data available with Authorized Access, click the link 'list of components' in the Authorized Access section. Upon approval, data can be downloaded.

Publicly available data such as data dictionaries, variable summaries, documents and truncated analysis are available the public download site FTP link.
Associated Publications
Equipment Used
Illumina Human1Mv1_C
Illumina Human610_Quadv1_B
Illumina HumanHap240S_A
Illumina HumanHap300v1.1
Dataset Format(s)
PDF, XML, TAR, gzip, TXT
Dataset Size
260.80 GB
Data Catalog Record Updated