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Description from GitHub:

"CellRank is a modular framework to study cellular dynamics based on Markov state modeling of multi-view single-cell data. See our documentation, and the CellRank 1 and CellRank 2 manuscript to learn more. See here for how to properly cite our work.

CellRank scales to large cell numbers, is fully compatible with the scverse ecosystem, and easy to use. In the backend, it is powered by pyGPCCA (Reuter et al. (2018)). Feel free to open an issue or send us an email if you encounter a bug, need our help or just want to make a comment/suggestion."
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Accession #: 10210197

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Free to All
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Available from Github under a BSD 3-Clause License. Available from Zenodo under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Dataset Format(s)
PNG, zip, PY, RST, CSS
Dataset Size
15.4 MB
Data Catalog Record Updated