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Code Repository for Morgani et al. (2018) Developmental Biology

UID: 11381

Author(s): Arenales, Nestor Saiz*, Garg, Vidur* * MSK affiliated

Description from GitHub:

"This is the repository associated with the article by Morgani et al., A Sprouty4 reporter to monitor FGF/ERK signaling activity in ESC and mice published in Developmental Biology 441:1 pp104:126 (2018)

This repository contains the corrected data tables for all preimplantation embryos analyzed in the study, the R scripts used to clean, transform and analyze the data, as well as the code to generate all plots in the article. All raw data tables, corrected data tables (also), original microscopy images and segmentation files can be found in Figshare [link to come]

This dataset contains data collected by both myself and Vidur Garg. File sets are labelled with the respective initials. Because of minor variation in data due to the experimenter, these data are processed separately (although in equivalent manner). Several scripts are thus duplicate, with _vg versions corresponding to Vidur Garg's data. Nestor Saiz contributed data in Figures 3, 5 and associated Figures S2 and S5; Vidur Garg contributed data in Figure 4 and associated Figure S4.

Scripts should work out of the box when using the .Rproj file and setting the working directory to the relevant folder. Please contact me with any issues or if any file is missing."
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6.7 MB
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