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Supplemental materials for Jung et al, 2019

UID: 11390

Author(s): Jung, Hea-Jin*, Littmann, Eric R.*, Seok, Ruth*, Leiner, Ingrid M.*, Taur, Ying*, Peled, Jonathan*, Van Den Brink, Marcel R. M.*, Chen, Liang, Kreiswirth, Barry N., Goodman, Andrew L., Pamer, Eric G.* * MSK affiliated

Description from Figshare:

"Table S1. List of MH258 chromosomal essential genes as identified by the EL-ARTIST pipeline (19). For the sliding window analysis, 1000 simulations, window size of 10, and p-value of 0.05 were used. 1, non-essential; 2, essential; 3, domain essential.

Table S2. Mutants with enhanced fitness in gut colonization. Ratios of the read counts to the total read counts are listed for all the mutants that represented more than 2 percent of the total reads (highlighted in yellow) in any of the samples.

Table S3. Average log2 fold changes in the normalized read counts for all the significant genetic loci in any of the in vivo and in vitro samples. The same color scheme to Fig. 5D was applied. Fold changes for the genes that were not significant in a given sample are not shown; they were treated as unchanged (“0”).

Table S4. List of primers.

Text S1. Supplemental Results

Text S2. Supplemental methods.

Figure S11. Genomic comparison of multiple Kp clinical strains. A circos map generated by the Proteome Comparison tool of PATRIC 3.5.27 for Table 1 is shown."
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Software Used
PATRIC 3.5.27
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PDF, Microsoft Excel
Dataset Size
2.53 MB
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