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Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38 patch release 13 (GRCh38.p13)

UID: 11397

Publisher(s): GENCODE

This record corresponds to the Human Genome data from the Genome Reference Consortium's build 38 patch release 13, published in 2013. It includes GTF / GFF3 files with comprehensive gene annotation, basic gene annotation, long non-coding RNA gene annotation, PolyA feature annotation, consensus pseudogenes predicted by the Yale and UCSC pipelines, predicted tRNA genes; FASTA files with transcript sequences, protein-coding transcript sequences, protein-coding transcript translation sequences, long non-coding RNA transcript sequences, genome sequence (GRCh38.p13), genome sequence primary assembly (GRCh38); and metadata files with annotation remarks, entrez gene ids, exon annotation evidence, gene source, gene symbol, PDB id, PolyA features, PubMed id, RefSeq, selenocysteine, SwissProt, transcript source, transcript annotation evidence, TrEMBL.
Subject of Study
Access via GENCODE

Accession #: GRCh38.p13

Access Restrictions
Free to All
Access Instructions
All GENCODE project data can be accessed via the GENCODE website or associated FTP site, via the Ensembl Genome Browser, UCSC Genome Browser, or Table Browser, or via a custom long non-coding RNA expression array design with probes targeting the Gencode v15 human lncRNA annotation.
Associated Publications
Dataset Format(s)
FASTA, gzip, GTF
Data Catalog Record Updated