Cholangiocarcinoma (MSK, Clin Cancer Res 2018): Targeted sequencing (MSK-IMPACT) of 195 tumor samples (194 with matched normals) from 192 cholangiocarcinoma patients.
- Description
This dataset contains summary data visualizations and clinical data from a broad sampling of 195 cholangiocarcinomas from 192 patients. The data was gathered utilizing the MSK-IMPACT targeted sequencing test. The clinical data includes tumor type (based on the opensource OncoTree ontology developed at MSK), mutation count, information about mutated genes, patient demographics, and disease status....
- Subject
CholangiocarcinomaDNA Mutational Analysis
- Access Rights
- Free to All
Cholangiocarcinoma (TCGA, Firehose Legacy)
- Description
TCGA Cholangiocarcinoma. Source data from GDAC Firehose. Previously known as TCGA Provisional. This dataset contains summary data visualizations and clinical data from a broad sampling of 51 cholangiocarcinomas from 51 patients. The data was gathered as part of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Firehose initiative, a cancer analysis pipeline. The clinical data includes mutation count, information...
- Subject
CholangiocarcinomaDNA Mutational Analysis
- Access Rights
- Free to All
Cholangiocarcinoma (National Cancer Centre of Singapore, Nat Genet 2013): Exome sequencing of 15 cholangiocarcinoma cases.
- Description
This dataset contains summary data visualizations and clinical data from a sampling of 15 cholangiocarcinomas from 15 patients. gathered for a study by the National Cancer Centre of Singapore. The clinical data includes de-identified patient and tumor sample ID, mutation count, patient demographics, anatomical subtype, and anti_O_viverrini_IgG. The clinical data can be downloaded as a .tsv file.
- Subject
CholangiocarcinomaDNA Mutational Analysis
- Access Rights
- Free to All