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  • Raw data for A Sprouty4 reporter to monitor FGF/ERK signaling activity in ESCs and mice

    Morgani, Sophie M. C.
    Arenales, Nestor Saiz
    Garg, Vidur
    Hadjantonakis, Anna-Katerina

    Description from Figshare: "Original immunofluorescence images, raw fluorescence quantification data, corrected data tables and segmentation files for all preimplantation embryos analyzed in the paper A Sprouty4 reporter to monitor FGF/ERK signaling activity in ESCs and mice, by Morgani et al., (2018) Developmental Biology. 441,1 pp104:126"

    Extracellular Signal-Regulated MAP Kinases
    Fibroblast Growth Factors
    Image Processing, Computer-Assisted
    Microscopy, Fluorescence
    Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
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