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  • Data from: Splicing factor SF3B1K700E mutant dysregulates erythroid differentiation via aberrant alternative splicing of transcription factor TAL1

    Jin, Shuiling
    Su, Hairui
    Tran, Ngoc-Tung
    Song, Jing
    6 more author(s)...

    Summary from Dryad: "Abstract: More than 60% of myeloid dysplasia syndrome (MDS) contains mutations in genes encoding for splicing factors such as SF3B1, U2AF, SRSF2 and ZRSR2. Mutations in SF3B1 are associated with 80% cases of refractory anemia with ring sideroblast (RARS), a subtype of MDS. SF3B1K700E is the most frequently mutated site among mutations on SF3B1. Yet the molecular mechanisms on...

    Alternative splicing
    K562 Cells
    Myelodysplastic Syndromes
    Transcription Factors
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Promiscuous splicing-derived hairpins are dominant substrates of tailing-mediated defense of miRNA biogenesis in mammals

    Lee, Seungjae
    Jee, David
    Srivastava, Sid
    Yang, Acong
    7 more author(s)...

    Summary from GEO: "A canonical pathway generates microRNAs (miRNAs) via stepwise cleavage of hairpin precursors by RNase III enzymes Drosha and Dicer, followed by loading of resultant ~22 nucleotide (nt) RNAs into an Argonaute (Ago) effector complex. In addition, non-canonical substrates can bypass either RNase III enzyme to yield functional small RNAs, including hundreds of intron-derived hairpins...

    HEK293 Cells
    K562 Cells
    RNA, Small Interfering
    Access Rights
    Free to All