Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals a Population of Dormant Neural Stem Cells that Become Activated upon Brain Injury
- Authors
- Llorens-Bobadilla, EnricZhao, ShengMartin-Villalba, Ana
- Description
Summary from the GEO: "Heterogeneous pools of adult neural stem cells (NSCs) contribute to brain maintenance and regeneration after injury. The balance of NSC activation and quiescence, as well as the induction of lineage-specific transcription factors, may contribute to diversity of neuronal and glial fates. To identify molecular hallmarks governing these characteristics, we performed single-cell...
- Subject
Cell DifferentiationLateral VentriclesNeural Stem CellsTranscription, Genetic
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Methylation of Dual Specificity Phosphatase 4 Controls Cell Differentiation
- Authors
- Jiang, MingLuo, Minkui
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Mitogen-activated protein kinases are inactivated by dual specificity phosphatases (DUSPs), whose activities are tightly regulated during cell differentiation. Using knockdown screening and single-cell transcriptional analysis, we determined that DUSP4 is the phosphatase that specifically inactivates p38 kinase for the promotion of megakaryocyte (Mk) differentiation. Mechanistically,...
- Subject
Cell DifferentiationMitogen-Activated Protein KinasesMyelodysplastic SyndromesRNA-SeqSingle-Cell Analysis
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Single-Cell Transcriptomics Identifies TOX as a Key Transcriptional Regulator of Progenitor-Like CD8 T Cells in Chronic Infection
- Authors
- Yao, ChenSun, Hong-WeiO'Shea, John J.Schwartzberg, Pamela L.1 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Stem-like CD8 T cells maintain long-term antiviral CD8 immunity during chronic infection, and share regulatory pathways with memory precursor effector cells generated after acute infection. However, it is unclear whether stem-like CD8 T cells require distinct transcriptional and epigenetic regulation for their longevity and adaptation to the immunosuppressive environment in chronic...
- Subject
CD8-Positive T-LymphocytesCell DifferentiationHistonesSingle-Cell AnalysisTranscriptomeVirus Diseases
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Characterization of CD8 T cells during acute LCMV infection using scRNA-seq
- Authors
- Cui, WeiguoSchauder, David M.
- Description
Summary from GEO: "During a viral infection, CD8 T cells encounter a myriad of antigenic and inflammatory signals of variable strength, which sets off each individual T cell on a unique differentiation trajectory. However, the developmental path for each of these cells will ultimately lead to one of only two potential outcomes after clearance of the infection—death or survival and development into...
- Subject
CD8-Positive T-LymphocytesCell DifferentiationGenomicsSingle-Cell Gene Expression AnalysisVirus Diseases
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The emergent landscape of the mouse gut endoderm at single-cell resolution [scRNA-seq]
- Authors
- Nowotschin, SonjaKuo, Ying-YiLiu, VincentGarg, Vidur10 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "To comprehensively delineate the ontogeny of an organ system, we generated 112,217 single- cell transcriptomes representing all endoderm populations within the mouse embryo until midgestation. We employed graph-based approaches to model differentiating cells for spatio- temporal characterization of developmental trajectories. Our analysis reveals the detailed architecture of the...
- Subject
Cell DifferentiationEndodermSingle-Cell AnalysisTranscriptome
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Cell type-dependent differential activation of ERK by oncogenic KRAS in human colon cancer and mouse intestinal epithelium
- Authors
- Brandt, RaphaelSell, ThomasLüthen, MareenUhlitz, Florian13 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Mutations activating the KRAS GTPase or the BRAF kinase are frequent in colorectal cancer and are thought to constitutively activate the terminal mitogen-activated protein kinase, ERK. Using mass cytometry, we found graded phosphorylation of ERK anti-correlated with cell differentiation in patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids, and unexpectedly this gradient was observed...
- Subject
Cell DifferentiationColonic NeoplasmsGenes, rasMitogen-Activated Protein KinasesPhosphorylationProto-Oncogene Proteins B-rafRNA-SeqSingle-Cell Analysis
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High throughput joint profiling of chromatin accessibility and protein levels in single cells [Species mix]
- Authors
- Mimitou, Eleni P.Lareau, Caleb A.Chen, Kelvin Y.Ludwig, Leif S.1 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Recent technological advances have enabled massively parallel single-cell Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (scATAC-seq) to simultaneously profile the epigenomic landscape in thousands of individual cells. scATAC-seq methods sample genomic DNA accessible to transposases, but have not previously been combined with measurement of protein levels. Here, we present...
- Subject
Cell DifferentiationGene Expression ProfilingHematopoiesisIntegrin beta1
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High throughput joint profiling of chromatin accessibility and protein levels in single cells [PBMC_Stim_Multiome]
- Authors
- Mimitou, Eleni P.Lareau, Caleb A.Chen, Kelvin Y.Ludwig, Leif S.1 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Recent technological advances have enabled massively parallel single-cell Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (scATAC-seq) to simultaneously profile the epigenomic landscape in thousands of individual cells. scATAC-seq methods sample genomic DNA accessible to transposases, but have not previously been combined with measurement of protein levels. Here, we present...
- Subject
CD28 AntigensCD3 ComplexCell DifferentiationChromatin Immunoprecipitation SequencingHematopoiesisLeukocytes, Mononuclear
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High throughput joint profiling of chromatin accessibility and protein levels in single cells [PBMC stimulation]
- Authors
- Mimitou, Eleni P.Lareau, Caleb A.Chen, Kelvin Y.Ludwig, Leif S.1 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Recent technological advances have enabled massively parallel single-cell Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (scATAC-seq) to simultaneously profile the epigenomic landscape in thousands of individual cells. scATAC-seq methods sample genomic DNA accessible to transposases, but have not previously been combined with measurement of protein levels. Here, we present...
- Subject
Cell DifferentiationChromatin Immunoprecipitation SequencingGene Expression ProfilingHematopoiesis
- Access Rights
- Free to All
High throughput joint profiling of chromatin accessibility and protein levels in single cells [marrow]
- Authors
- Mimitou, Eleni P.Lareau, Caleb A.Chen, Kelvin Y.Ludwig, Leif S.1 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Recent technological advances have enabled massively parallel single-cell Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (scATAC-seq) to simultaneously profile the epigenomic landscape in thousands of individual cells. scATAC-seq methods sample genomic DNA accessible to transposases, but have not previously been combined with measurement of protein levels. Here, we present...
- Subject
Bone Marrow ExaminationCell DifferentiationChromatin Immunoprecipitation SequencingDNA, MitochondrialHematopoiesis
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