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Results Found: 7
  • Pull-down of Exo1-TAP from yeast meiotic cells and analysis of phosphorylated residues

    Loew, Damarys
    Sabatet, Valentin

    Description from the ProteomeXchange: "Exo1 tagged with the TAP sequence was pulled down from synchronous ndt80∆ meiotic cells after induction of the CDC5 kinase at t = 8 h 15 in meiosis (1 h 15 after CDC5 induction), in order to identify its phosphorylated residues" PRIDE Sample Processing Protocol: "2.1010 cells of VBD2070 strain were harvested after 8 h 15 min in sporulation medium and processed...

    MutL Proteins
    Recombination, Genetic
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Pull-down of Mlh3-Flag from yeast meiotic cells and analysis of pulled-down partner proteins

    Loew, Damarys
    Sabatet, Valentin

    Description from Proteome Xchange: "Mlh3 internally tagged with Flag was pulled down from synchronous meiotic cells at t = 4 h in meiosis, in order to identify its interacting partners involved in meiotic crossover formation" Sample Processing Protocol from PRIDE: "2.1010 cells of VBD1674 strain at 4 h in meiosis were harvested, washed two times with ice-cold TNG buffer (50 mM Tris/HCl pH 8; 150...

    MutL Proteins
    Recombination, Genetic
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Mechanism of in vivo activation of the MutLgamma-Exo1 complex for meiotic crossover formation

    Borde, Valerie

    Summary from the GEO: "Programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) initiate meiotic recombination and their subsequent repair culminates in crossover (CO) formation. COs result from the asymmetric cleavage of double-Holliday junction (dHJ) intermediates, that requires the MutLγ complex together with a non-catalytic function of Exo1, an activity essential for fertility but at risk of generating unwanted...

    DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded
    MutL Proteins
    Protein Binding
    Recombination, Genetic
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Mechanism of in vivo activation of the MutL-Exo1 complex for meiotic crossover formation

    Sanchez, Aurore
    Mu, Xiaojing
    Borde, Valerie
    Keeney, Scott

    Summary from the GEO: "Programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) initiate meiotic recombination and their subsequent repair culminates in crossover (CO) formation. COs result from the asymmetric cleavage of double-Holliday junction (dHJ) intermediates, that requires the MutLγ endonuclease and a non-catalytic function of Exo1, an activity essential for fertility but at risk of generating unwanted...

    DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded
    MutL Proteins
    Protein Binding
    Recombination, Genetic
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • De novo deletions and duplications at recombination hotspots in mouse germlines

    Lukaszewicz, Agnieszka
    Keeney, Scott
    Jasin, Maria

    Summary from GEO: "Numerous DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) arise during meiosis to initiate homologous recombination. These DSBs are usually repaired faithfully, but here we uncover a new type of mutational event in which deletions form via joining of ends from two closely-spaced DSBs (double cuts) within a single hotspot or at adjacent hotspots on the same or different chromatids. Deletions occur...

    Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins
    DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded
    Mutagenesis, Insertional
    Recombination, Genetic
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Spo11-oligo mapping of double-strand breaks in spo11 mutants

    Tischfield, Sam E.
    Keeney, Scott

    Summary from GEO: "The Spo11-generated double-strand breaks (DSBs) that initiate meiotic recombination are non-randomly distributed across the genome. Here, we use Spo11-oligonucleotide complexes to map the distribution of meiotic DSBs in a spo11 mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Overall design from GEO: "4 samples total: two biological replicate Spo11-oligo maps of S. cerevisiae SK1...

    DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded
    Recombination, Genetic
    Sequence Analysis, DNA
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Meiotic double-strand break mapping in spo11 mutants by S1Seq

    Tischfield, Sam E.
    Mimitou, Eleni P.
    Keeney, Scott

    Summary from GEO: "The Spo11-generated double-strand breaks (DSBs) that initiate meiotic recombination are non-randomly distributed across the genome. Here, we use S1Seq mapping to map the distribution of meiotic DSBs in spo11 mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Overall design from GEO: "4 samples total: two biological replicate Spo11-oligo maps of S. cerevisiae spo11-F260A and wildtype."

    DNA Breaks, Double-Stranded
    Recombination, Genetic
    Sequence Analysis, DNA
    Access Rights
    Free to All