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  • MPP8 is essential for sustaining self-renewal of ground-state pluripotent stem cells

    Mueller, Iris
    Moroni, Ann Sophie
    Shlyueva, Daria D.
    Sahadevan, Sudeep
    7 more author(s)...

    Summary from the GEO: "Deciphering the mechanisms that control the pluripotent ground state is key for understanding embryonic development. Nonetheless, the epigenetic regulation of ground-state mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) is not fully understood. Here, we identify the epigentic protein MPP8 as being essential for ground-state pluripotency. Its depletion leads to cell cycle arrest and spontaneous...

    Gene Knock-In Techniques
    Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
    Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Proteomics Data for "MPP8 is essential for sustaining self-renewal of ground-state pluripotent stem cells"

    Helin, Kristian
    Schoof, Erwin M.

    Description from protemoeXchange: "Deciphering the mechanisms that control the pluripotent ground state is key for understanding embryonic development. Nonetheless, the epigenetic regulation of ground-state mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) is not fully understood. Here, we identify the epigenetic protein MPP8 as being essential for ground-state pluripotency. Its depletion leads to cell cycle arrest...

    Gene Knock-In Techniques
    Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
    Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Vascular fate in misidentified pluripotent-derived blood-brain-barrier endothelial cells rescued by transcriptional reprogramming.


    Summary from the GEO: "A single-cell suspension was loaded into the Bio-Rad ddSEQ Single-Cell Isolator on which cells were isolated, lysed and barcoded in droplets. Droplets were then disrupted and cDNA was pooled for second strand synthesis. Libraries were generated with direct tagmentation followed by 3’ enrichment and sample indexing using Illumina Nextera library prep kit. Pooled libraries were...

    Blood-Brain Barrier
    Endothelial Cells
    Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Access Rights
    Free to All
  • Disease Severity in Familial Dysautonomia

    Studer, Lorenz
    Zeltner, Nadja

    Description from dbGaP: "Familial Dysautonomia (FD) is a developmental and degenerative genetic disease that manifests in the neural crest cells and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Despite all FD patients having the same mutation in IKBKAP, patients present with varying disease severity, ranging from mild to severe. We used the human pluripotent stem cell technology to recapitulate this varying...

    Dysautonomia, Familial
    Peripheral Nervous System
    Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Access Rights
    Application Required
  • MEF to iPSC reprogramming - Serum condition

    Weiler, Philipp
    Lange, Marius
    Klein, Michal

    Description from Figshare: "scRNA-seq time-series dataset of mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) subsetted to the serum condition and assayed using 10x Genomics. Contains 39 time points spanning days 0-18 during reprogramming. Total cell number is 165,892. Note that this dataset has already been normalized by total counts and log-transformed....

    Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
    Pluripotent Stem Cells
    Sequence Analysis, RNA
    Single-Cell Analysis
    Access Rights
    Free to All