Gene expression profile at single nucleus level for tumor associated macrophage (TAMs) nuclei sorted from tumor of control-PyMT and S100a8-creRosa26-LSL-MYCPyMT (MYC-PyMT) mice treated with low protein diet
- Authors
- Zhang, XianLi, Ming O.
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Nuclei of TAMs were sorted for single nucleus RNA sequencing from control-PyMT and MYC-PyMT tumor treated with low protein diet, and compare their transcriptome differences." Overall design from GEO: "7-week-old Control-PyMT and MYC-PyMT mice were lethally irradiated and reconstituted with 3 million total bone marrow cells from Fcgr1-cre-Rosa26LSL-H2B-mCherry/+ mice as described...
- Subject
Diet, Protein-RestrictedGene ExpressionMice, TransgenicSingle-Cell Gene Expression AnalysisTranscriptomeTumor-Associated Macrophages
- Access Rights
- Free to All
Effect of low protein diet on parenchymal tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) and stromal mammary tissue macrophages (MTMs) in control-PyMT and MYC overexpressing PyMT ( S100a8-creRosa26-LSL-MYCPyMT ) tumor
- Authors
- Zhang, XianLi, Ming O.
- Description
Summary from GEO: "To study the low protein diet and cancer genetic effect on the macrophage in tumor, we treated the control-PyMT and S100a8-creRosa26-LSL-MYCPyMT (MYC-PyMT) mice reconstituted with wt bone marrow with low protein diet for 6 weeks." Overall design from GEO: "Compare the gene expression between TAMs and MTMs isolated by FACS from tumor of control-PyMT and MYC-PyMT mice treated...
- Subject
Diet, Protein-RestrictedGene ExpressionGenes, mycMice, TransgenicTumor-Associated Macrophages
Tim-4+ Cavity-Resident Macrophages Impair Anti-Tumor CD8+ T cell Immunity [scRNA-Seq]
- Authors
- Chow, AndrewSchad, SaraGreen, Michael D.Hellmann, Matthew D.37 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Single cell TCR/RNA sequencing was performed on sorted PSlow and PShigh CD8 T cells from five MC38-LG bearing mice that had been treated with anti-Tim-4 and anti-PD-1. Cells from the individual mice were hashtagged to allow subsequent deconvolution."
- Subject
CD8-Positive T-LymphocytesRNA-SeqSingle-Cell AnalysisTumor-Associated Macrophages
- Access Rights
- Free to All
Tim-4+ Cavity-Resident Macrophages Impair Anti-Tumor CD8+ T cell Immunity [RNA-Seq]
- Authors
- Chow, AndrewSchad, SaraGreen, Michael D.Hellmann, Matthew D.37 more author(s)...
- Description
Summary from GEO: "Here we report RNA sequencing data from sorted Tim-4low vs Tim-4high macrophages in steady-state (no tumor) mice and also MC38-LG-tumor-bearing animals that were treated with isotype or anti-Tim-4 antibody."
- Subject
CD8-Positive T-LymphocytesRNA-SeqTumor-Associated Macrophages
- Access Rights
- Free to All
Tumor progression is independent of tumor associated macrophages in two lineage-based mouse models of GBM [SortedTAM RNAseq]
- Authors
- Chipman, Mollie E.Parada, Luis F.
- Description
Summary from GEO: "We investigate whether TAM gene expression is similar between spontaneous and transplanted mouse models of GBM. We sort Microglia and monocyte derived macrophages (MDM) from subventricular zone (type 1) and oligodendrocyte progenitor derived (type 2) spontaneous and transplanted mouse GBM tumors and perform bulk RNAseq." Overall design from GEO: "3 Spontaneous GBM MDM, 6 spontaneous...
- Subject
Brain NeoplasmsGene ExpressionRNA-SeqTumor-Associated Macrophages
- Access Rights
- Free to All
Tumor progression is independent of tumor associated macrophages in two lineage-based mouse models of GBM [TAMdepletedVsControl RNAseq]
- Authors
- Chipman, Mollie E.Parada, Luis F.
- Description
Summary from GEO: "We investigate the transcriptomic changes resulting from TAM depletion in Type 1 and Type 2 GBMs We perform bulk RNAseq on TAM depleted and Control Type 1 and Type 2 GBM bulk tumor tissue." Overall design from GEO: "5 Type 1 Control tumors, 3 Type 1 TAM depleted tumors, 4 Type 2 Control tumors, 4 Type 2 TAM depleted Tumors."
- Subject
Brain NeoplasmsRNA-SeqTranscriptomeTumor-Associated Macrophages
- Access Rights
- Free to All